2022 Newsletter 2

posted in: OldNews | 1

Hi all with just a few of weeks until the rally I have a few messages.

This form also has the information for how to pay the rally fees – you will see that we do now have an account set up in the name of the Rally instead of the Treasurer.

Please return this by email or hand it in at the Information tent or to a Committee member on arrival.

  • Please also book in at the Avon Tyrell Reception point on arrival or (if closed) early the following day to comply with their rules.


  • Please can you think about leading rides – in your own name if you are a member of Cycling UK or in tandem with a member if you aren’t (but consider joining for the insurance benefits) .

This rally depends on a variety of rides to suit different types of riders so the more choice the better and the more volunteers we have means less responsibility on a few volunteers so get your maps out and your thinking caps on. ?

  • For anybody interested the local Cycling UK group are holding an adult time trial during the week details will be posted on our noticeboard in the information tent.


  • The information tent will have an additional board for other notices leaving the blackboard purely for Rides information.


Program of Events:

Sunday evening Barn Dance in the Marquee

Monday evening AGM at the Strawbale classroom here is the link to the minutes from last years AGM

Tuesday Picnic Ride and evening Quiz

Wednesday evening Children’s time trials & saddlebag sale *

Friday evening Bike Limbo & communal BBQ by the lake

Other events include yoga, bike skills, an early evening bedtime story ride on site and puncture repair workshop and will be posted on the information board.

Huge thanks to the volunteers who provide these entertainments – if you have an activity you would like to ‘lead’ we would love to hear about it!!

Also the Avon Tyrell Activities are available to book through them for children and adults;  traditionally this has been something people often did on Wednesday.

* A saddlebag sale is a sale of bike items the plan is to have these available to view during the children’s time trials with selling to start after the prize giving so that everybody has an opportunity to view and buy.

Most of our activities are weather dependent and therefore subject to change – all changes and updates will be posted on the information board.

With Covid on the rise again the Committee asks you to be mindful of any symptoms and if possible, to test if you think you may have Covid.

If you test positive, please inform the Committee immediately and act in accordance with current Government advice.

Finally, the Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank last year’s outgoing Auditor, Pat Mitchell, Pat was a long standing attendee of the Rally with family and her ongoing support with the Financial side of our management has been absolutely invaluable our heartfelt thanks go out to her.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the rally


New Forest Cycling Rally Secretary

Data Protection and Email contact.

Your email details are held by me purely to make contact with you regarding the annual New Forest Cycling Event which takes place at Avon Tyrrell. Your information is not used for any other purpose and is never intentionally passed to other people.

In order to update the list of contacts, and in line with data protection, would you please email me back if you wish to be taken off the email list.

Emails are always sent out as a BCC (blind copy) so that your details are kept private. However it is possible that an error can occur and your mail address could inadvertently be visible to others on the list. Bearing this in mind if you wish your mail address to be removed from the list just let me know.

If you do not plan to come to the rally in the future, please let me know and again I can take you off the list.

You do not need to contact me if you are happy to remain on the list for future information on the New Forest Cycle Rally


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