Newsletter 1 – 3rd January 2019

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Hi Everybody

Just a short note to wish you all a very happy and good cycling year for 2019.

Once again we will be holding our rally at Avon Tyrrell on the following dates, so please make a note in your diary and phones to keep these dates free:-

Friday 26th July until Saturday 3rd August 2019

Bookings will be open in the early part of April, as usual through the special web page on the Avon Tyrrell web site. Also look for information at our website

Once again we had an excellent rally last year, the first weekend being a little windy and wet, but after this the rest of the week was sunny and very pleasant.  We were pleased to welcome a number of new campers and hope this year you will all encourage your friends and family to come along for all or part of the week.

Very kind regards


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