Newsletter 5, 8th July 2020

posted in: Admin, OldNews | 3

Hi all, another update as promised.
We are in constant contact with Avon Tyrell at the moment:

  • Since reopening a few days ago they are very busy so they apologise for delays as they come back up to speed – like many of us they are adapting to new ways of working including less staff due to distanced working.
  • They have also said that some callers have been unpleasant – I wouldn’t expect any of our group to behave that way as it is unacceptable – if you do experience any frustration and Avon Tyrell aren’t helpful, please come to me and the Site Manager will talk to them for you.
  • Camping numbers – Regular Facebook followers may have seen posts about rapidly reducing numbers of pitches available.
    This is partly due to the numbers being adjusted to reduce capacity for social distancing and partly due to rally bookings.
    For the top part of the field, only 4 non-rally family bookings have been made and Avon Tyrrell are not going to take any more, leaving more space for us.
  • Pitches – (see map) the electric hookups are being booked fast – Avon Tyrell are allocating them, so you can ask for a favourite spot but bear in mind it may not be available
  • If all the hookups get booked, but you need electric access, we are a friendly group. We may need to help each other out – don’t be shy ask!
  • The fridge and freezer WIll NOT be available this year for hygiene reasons so plan accordingly. We are asking about the washing machines

I attach the photography consent form. If you can download and complete one for each group member with a consent signature for under 18s and bring these it will help speed up the booking process and reduce paper changing hands

You will need to provide phone contact details for us in case we need to contact trace everybody after the Rally with health related information. If you are happy for me to retain that number with the securely stored paperwork I hold, please write it on the consent form. If you would like it to be disposed of after a month, please provide it on a separate piece of paper.

I understand Avon Tyrell are sending their registration documents separately – I haven’t had anything extra yet.

Random thoughts:

  • Group rides are currently a maximum of 6 under Cycling UK guidelines which we need to follow for insurance – think about how to make that work for you – my family group is one of many already larger than that so we’ll need to introduce deliberate spacing.
  • If you can put rides on the board though please do. The groups can be split when you know numbers, but people in couples and small groups will rely on the board rides just as much as usual.
  • Cleaning – Avon Tyrell are improving the standard of their cleaning and we continue to work with them to support that.
  • To reduce visits to the wash block, does having a tent wash station make sense for your family?
  • And additional sprays and gels for around the site and on the the bike – stay on top of it to stay safe.


  • The bike skills and bike limbo are confirmed
  • We have a quiz in the marquee to replace the barn dance – bringing your own pen and paper for this will be useful
  • And of course the AGM, children’s time trials and communal supper

I’m looking forward to seeing you all


Secretary New Forest Cycling Rally

3 Responses

  1. Adrian Hills

    On my large list of camping with cycling activities over the years I have yet to experience a CTC camp. I have ridden for some time with the East Sussex section of the CTC
    Along with my partner (non-cycling), her keen pedalling ten year old lad and our eight month old puppy, I’d like to dip into this camp.
    My motorhome could be our base and I could ride with the lad on some of the lovely forest paths. My partner could enjoy walks and socially distanced socialising during that time.
    We would be there for just three nights as the full week would be a bit much at this time.
    Do you think we could integrate well with this event ? (subject to pitch availability)

    • tarmacalastair

      Sounds like a perfect holiday for you, that is, apart from the dog. Unfortunately no dogs are allowed on the campsite. If you can come along without the dog then I’m sure you’d have a great time.
      Lots of families come along where one partner rarely cycles in the year between rallies but everyone enjoys a fairly traffic free time riding together.

  2. Sandra

    Hi, will there be anywhere to re-freeze ice packs for cool boxes? We did this in the communal freezer last year. Thanks x

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