Coronavirus updates on our 2020 booking from Avon Tyrell

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4th June 2020: Hello everyone. Following recent changes to government rules, David enquired further of Avon Tyrrell and received the reply below.

As a result there is now the possibilty that the rally might still take place, with the probability of much reduced ride sizes, cancellation of the barn dance and whatever other measures are required to comply with government rules and practicality.

On 04/06/2020 14:47, Abigail Brookes wrote:

Hi David,

Many thanks for your email and apologies we have not yet provided an update for you – there is only myself and one other working on bookings and we are still extremely busy contacting May and June to rearrange and refund them.

At the moment, as provisionally proposed by the government, we are looking to reopen some facilities at the beginning of July, which means we will be able to go ahead with your booking as planned as long as the government allows us to. We have not yet confirmed the exact opening date and are yet to finalise extra precautionary measures to allow us to do this safely.

Certain facilities on site will not be available and as you have some spaces booked for events with your group, you will need to consider how these can run safely.

We are not at a stage where we can cancel any July bookings without cancellation charges as per our terms and conditions.

If the government guidelines change or continue to impede our ability to re-open safely, we can review this and look at alternative options (including a full refund.)

I hope that provides a sufficient update on where we currently stand and as things progress, we will have more clarity but if you have any questions, please do let me know.

Kind regards

Abigail Brookes
Head of Guest Services and Business Development | UK Youth

T: 01425 672347 #488
Avon Tyrrell, UK Youth Outdoor Activity Centre, Bransgore, Hampshire, BH23 8EE

UK Youth | Avon Tyrrell

Earlier April update from Avon Tyrell (the committee also enquired about the possibility of an alternative rally in October):

Subject: RE: New Forest Cycling Week
Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2020 16:01:50 +0000
From: Abigail Brookes

Hi David,

I hope you are keeping well.

Following the recent government update, Avon Tyrrell will be closed now until the 7th May so we aren’t in a position to provide much of an update on your booking with us as we fully expect the centre to be open by then. Naturally, if we are still closed when your visit is due to take place then we can offer visitors a refund or credit on their booking.

If your participants however choose to cancel or if you choose to cancel the event, then they/you will be liable for cancellation costs from the 1st May as per our standard terms and conditions which you can view here:

Regarding the lodges during the October half term, we currently only have a couple available for the 4 days in the week at the moment, but naturally plenty of camping.

Please do let me know if you have any further questions at this stage and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Kind regards

Abigail Brookes
Head of Guest Services and Business Development | UK Youth

-T: 01425 672347  

Avon Tyrrell, UK Youth Outdoor Activity Centre, Bransgore, Hampshire, BH23 8EE

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