2023 AGM Minutes

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New Forest Cycle Rally AGM 25 July 2022 8.15 – 9.28

Attendees Committee :

Chair Sharon Clifford Secretary Anna Russell Treasurer Rupert Harris

Site Organiser David Haward Social Sec Anita Williams Web master Alastair Petrie

Floor :

Phil Barnes Andrew Newey Ingrid Harris Bob Cooper Joy Nixon Graham Pickering

Morgan Field Becca Petrie Maureen Flint Mark Palmer David Glazbrook

Sandra Field  Ally Baker Ann Burden Bill Edwards Richard Haworth Claire Haworth


Marie Cook

The Chair welcomed everybody to the new Rally site calling out that for many this is the second site move for the rally. Giving some background into how this site was chosen Sharon thanked Alastair and David for their research – Richard proposed a vote of thanks for the work that went into finding a good site.


• Rupert gave the Treasurers report and made the accounts available the Rally has a solid financial footing with similar income streams and expenses – accounts were circulated and no concerns were raised.

Rupert advised that accounts had been submitted to Cycling UK in accordance with their rules and thanked Richard Haworth for auditing.

The Treasurers report acceptance was proposed by Bob Cooper and seconded by Bill Edwards.

• Alastair spoke about the website and cycling shirts asking anybody interested in a new jersey to make themselves known. The committee would also support resale if needed.

• Social Secretary Anita advised that children’s time trial would be Tuesday at 7pm followed by cheese and wine. A picnic was proposed for Wednesday and an Isle of Wight trip Thursday. The board is the communication medium and should be consulted for yoga/bike workshop/limbo times. On Friday a final BBQ/firepit was proposed as usual.

Some discussion held about asking to put up a Marquee to hold a Barn Dance and the Committee took this away to investigate.

• Anna advised that the 2022 minutes had been published on the website and asked for any questions – there were none.

• David gave a Site report advising that on investigation this site had proved to be the one that could best cater to our mix of tents caravans and vans and the owners were welcoming. It has nice facilities and is close to the sea.

New routes had been explored – forest tracks are now further away.

Rally goers are encouraged to recommend other sites that meet our needs if they wish. The mood of the meeting was favorable to the site so far.

All reports were accepted by the meeting

• 50th celebration – ideas discussed were:

A cake, a tea party, Barn Dance, involve Cycling UK possibility of a celebrity visit, new Jerseys, a best decorated tent, a 50km/50 mile ride.


All existing Committee members were willing to stand, and nobody stood against:

The reelection of the whole Committee was proposed by Ann Burden and seconded by Morgan Field

Chair Sharon Clifford

Secretary Anna Russell

Treasurer Rupert Harris

Site Organiser David Haward

Social Sec Anita Williams

Social Sec Joy Nixon

Web master Alastair Petrie

Committee member Marie Cook

Richard Haworth agreed to stand again as Auditor this was proposed by Rupert Harris and seconded by Sharon Clifford.

Additionally it was discussed that the Committee have a Youth Member and Holly Harris was willing to stand this was proposed by Anna Russell and seconded by Phil Barnes.

The Meeting accepted all nominations unanimously.

Any other business

Richard proposed thanks to the Committee and the meeting ended at 9.28 with no other business.




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