2022 Minutes

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New Forest Cycle Rally AGM 25 July 2022 8.15 – 9.15


Committee :                                      Floor:

Chair Sharon Clifford                      Phil Barnes                          Ingrid Harris                        Ali Baker

Secretary Anna Russell                   Bob Cooper                        Dan Montgomerie           Jan Montgomerie

Treasurer Rupert Harris                 Mike Wood                         Becca Petrie                       Maureen Flint

Site Organiser David Haward       Morgan Field                      Carole Russell                    Mick Simmons

Social Sec Anita Williams               Helen Scholes                    Martin Scholes                  John Capell

Social Sec Joy Nixon                        Simone Capell                    Ivy Martinson                    Brett Martinson

Web master Alastair Petrie             Richard Haworth              Nick Horne                          Claire Packwood

Member Marie Cook                        John Holmes                      Nigel Pedley                       Emma Pedley

David Glybrook                 Tessa Cooper                     Jim Cooper

Ann Burden                        Bill Edwards                       Claire Haworth



The Chair welcomed everybody to the Rally and spoke of our informal rally which is joined to Cycling UK for the benefits of that membership.


Treasurers Report

Rupert gave the report and made the accounts available the Rally has a solid financial footing and no concerns were raised.

Rupert advised that accounts had been submitted to Cycling UK in accordance with their rules and thanked Richard Haworth for auditing.

The Treasurers report acceptance was proposed by Marie Cook and seconded by Phil Barnes.

Site Report

David gave a report advising that he has been asking for prices to remain similar and didn’t expect a large increase for next year, Avon Tyrell have been keeping the price the same for us to attract more rally goers. He stressed the need for rally goers to register with Avon Tyrell reception as well as with the rally.

David requested that rally goers should funnel any complaints through himself for mediation and gave a reminder to treat the staff politely.

Carole raised the errors Avon Tyrell had made with peoples bookings and David confirmed that this and the change to curfew which hadn’t been communicated and was poorly signed would be fed back to Avon Tyrell.

The Site report acceptance was proposed by Richard Haworth and seconded by Bob Cooper.

Social Secretary Report

Anita thanked those putting on events and said that the Barn Dance bedtime story and Zumba events had all gone well with more to come.

The picnic would be Tue 26th and the Quiz was waiting on a confirmed date.

Yoga and childrens time trials were already on the board and a saddle bag sale would follow the time trial.

Also to come were the puncture repair workshop Bike skills, more Zumba and yoga as well as the limbo and BBQ on Friday.

The Social report was proposed by Marie Cook and seconded by Phil Barnes.

Webmaster/Tshirt Report

Alastair spoke about the website and cycling shirts with a decision to be made in the New Year whether to do another order.

An order is held for Debbie Lord to claim.

The Webmasters report acceptance was proposed by Sharon Clifford and seconded by David Haward.

Secretary Report

Anna advised that the 2021 minutes had been published with a newsletter and asked for any questions – there were none.

The previous minutes were proposed for acceptance by Bob Cooper and seconded by Anita Williams

All reports were accepted by the meeting


All existing Committee members were willing to stand, and nobody stood against:

The re-election of the whole Committee was proposed by Ali Baker and seconded by Phil Barnes.

Chair Sharon Clifford

Secretary Anna Russell

Treasurer Rupert Harris

Site Organiser David Haward

Social Sec Anita Williams

Social Sec Joy Nixon

Web master Alastair Petrie

Committee member Marie Cook

Richard Haworth agreed to stand again as Auditor this was proposed by Rupert Harris and seconded by Sharon Clifford.

Any other business

Sharon asked for early ideas to celebrate the 50th anniversary – suggestions so far new jerseys, tshirts, hoodies, cake. A competition to design the tshirt?

John referenced the theft of a bike during one of the rides and there was general conversation about bike security/insurance.

Anita asked if the feeling of the rally was to mandate the use of helmets – it was agreed that this is not something Cycling UK mandate and will remain personal choice for rally goers. It is considered good practice and the Committee encourages helmet use.

Richard raised the ongoing need to promote the rally among friends and family as word of mouth is powerful advertising. David agreed and as the cards are also useful will ask Bob to order more of these.

Other suggestions were flyers in bike shops, face book links other social media and other rallies as well as rally goers member clubs.

Richard proposed thanks to the Committee and the meeting ended with no other business.

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